This is the “What the F*ck do I want to do?” Post



Photo by Me.

I have come to that point in my life where I look around and ask my self….WTF do I wanna do? What makes me happy? What would make me feel like I have a purpose and fulfilled?
At the moment I don’t have a concrete answer to that question. However I did want to start the dialog. Growth and change is apart of life and I feel like I’m on the cusp of a big one. Like that Christmas morning feeling of excitement because you know there is a bunch of good shit is coming your way. So in an effort to figure out what the “IT” is and get that spark back I am trying to find tools to implement into my life to propel myself forward.
One way I am helping myself get into this groove is  an exercise that I learned while watching a Ted Talk that Shonda Rhimes gave. In it she talks about taking 15 mins for yourself everyday that is uninterrupted. That means no phone, you’re not multitasking etc. Just be with you for 15 mins and then go about your day.As I was listening to her I realized there is not one point in my day where I do that. I am always doing something or many things at one time and not really thinking or checking in with myself. I thought this was a great first step to getting focused and figuring out whats next. Try the 15 min check in for yourself. Let me know what kind of results you get!
  Have thoughts?
Comment below.

Experiences vs. Materials…A Fashion Blog


Photo By Me on my bomb ass iPhone

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

A few months back when I went on a two day excursion to San Diego for my friend’s 30th birthday. It was my first visit there and I had such a good time. I ate some of the best ramen EVER with ox tail dumplings (YES, HELLA GOOD), swam with the sea lions in my underwear but most of all, I had a very meaningful conversation with one of my friends that made me make a “fourth quarter” resolution for the rest of 2015 that I have committed to carrying over into 2016.
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Cooking is Stylish: Plated

Lately work has been so busy. By the time I get home to sit down and blog I am tired of looking at a monitor or do anything else for that matter like cook dinner. So I decided to try Plated, a subscription box program where you have your choice of meat fish or vegetarian recipes. That come with all the ingredients that you need and step-by-step instructions to cook them. Now if you follow my blog you already know that I am a self proclaimed chef. And enjoy cooking and making my own recipes very much. But sometimes I’m not inspired nor have the brainpower to come up with something to cook for dinner so for the last week or so. Plated has definitely saved the day. Continue reading

Cooking is Stylish: For the Love of Rib-eye

I love a good steak. And when my body wants it, it just does and I have to give it what it wants. For me Rib-eye has the perfect balance of meat and fat which means HELLA flavor. Earlier this week I went to my local farmers market and bought a $3 bag of baby kale and wanted to do something with it other than saute it. Then I remember this great chopped Kale salad that my mom used to make and also a kale and quinoa salad that I love at my friends Restaurant The Cook and Her Farmer. So boom dinner. I made a dressing (totally eyeballed) from half a lemon, half orange, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, shallots, and love.

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Cooking is Stylish: Easy and Impressive Sea Bass…

I love to cook. If you follow my Instagram you can see that. Cooking is how I decompress, especially when I am trying out a new recipe.  So the spirit, guided me to waltz into Whole Foods because I wanted to make some Sea Bass for dinner. I have a love/hate relationship with Whole Foods (or Ho foods, there’s always a hot guy there, ALWAYS). I think that their meat and fish is so fresh, but I also feel like the grocery bill is equivalent of a pair of shoes (I rather starve).  I copped the Sea Bass and a couple of other things and was outta there.

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April Moods & Tumblr Obsessions….

I love Tumblr. It’s a black hole of coolness that I can get sucked into about 15 mins each day and leave inspired to change my whole wardrobe and interior design someone’s place. The past couple of weeks I have been working on some things for the site so I have been going to my Tumblr to get my creative juices flowing. I also use it to get personal outfit inspiration as well (which is scary because it makes me want to go shopping) Here are some faves for the week also follow my Tumblr StylingOnYouHeauxs.



This is a anything post…..

A Word From Tim Gunn…..

I originally wrote this post back in 2008. I found it today and it’s relevance still holds true. Hope this advice helps!


I think Tim Gunn is a fashion genius, the man knows his stuff and speaks in a way that is appealing to all people. If you look a hot mess he knows how to tell you in the nicest, most intelligent way. The other day I was reading his book, Tim Gunn: A Guide To Quality, Taste & Style and in the beginning he talks about ways to express your like or dislike for an article or collection of clothing. He explains that if you are going to critique something use words that will help you make the distinction between why it appeals to you or why it doesn’t. This is helpful on the journey to discovering what works for you and what doesn’t.

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The Mercy video is still fly in every way possible to me. On my “All Black Everything” days I try to channel this vibe. We know black is slimming and versatile (and also conveys a silent seriousness a la Wednesday Addams) Mondays are always a challenging day for me so all black is easy and effortless.

You can always mix textures when wearing all black to give your look depth and versatility. Especially when you are used to wearing color. So when shopping for black look for embellishments like fringe, tassles, embossing etc. These items will add interest and depth to your all black looks.