Cooking with Your Future Baby Mama: Gochujang Power Bowl

Happy New Year! It’s been a min but I am officially back with the jump off. And what’s a more perfect way to get things going than a healthy food post?!

I was doing my morning scroll of my Twitter feed and saw a post by Bon Apetit via Basically for a Gochujang and Sesame roasted Squash recipe and said “WELP that’s what’s for lunch today!” And I headed to the store and got to work. Continue reading

Pastries & Portraits II x Smile A Day


In an effort to challenge myself and push my personal growth I have been trying to participate in activities/experiences that make me uncomfortable. One of those acts is going to events alone. Historically if I see an event that I would like to attend, I will ask a friends go with me. If I can’t find anyone to be my guest I simply won’t go. Continue reading

It’s a Monday Post: Self Care Edition

This week we have a guest blogger @ARoseEssentials to give you some great tips on self care and making through your work week!

As I sit here at work, doing multiple jobs at once. Tired, over-worked, always striving and never having a true ‘day off’, I realize just how important it is to practice self-care. Besides work, we have other obligations and responsibilities that take up our time and may leave us with little time to for self-care. Before you know it, you’re having a breakdown out of the blue. The human body is so well-equipped that it sends you signals that you need to take time for yourself. It may come in the form of a breakdown or an illness that forces you to stay put for a while so that you can heal and rest. Well, you shouldn’t run yourself into the ground and wait to breakdown before you start to focus on self-care. Here are a few (FREE!) things you can do to keep yourself centered, balanced, focused and most importantly, healthy.

  1. Writing: Please never underestimate how therapeutic it is to write down how you’re feeling. It can be a plain notebook or a beautifully packaged journal (I just purchased a hand-made moleskin journal wrapped in marbled paper from @_papel_ on instagram). I prefer nice journals because they’re inviting and makes you open up to scribe. There isn’t a certain method or writing guideline you have to follow. Just write what is on your heart. Whether you’re frustrated or happy, pencil it all in. I also use my journal to manifest what I need out of life. In my current journal, the very first page I wrote down a few things that I wanted to achieve. An exact year later, those goals came to life. That’s also another benefit to journaling. You go back and read prior entries for self-reflection. You have the ability to evaluate your growth and how you’re progressing. So pick up a journal and write your first entry today!

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Thirst Trappin All Summer: Pressed Juicery 3 Day Cleanse.


Photo Via


Over the past year and a half I have been working on taking my health more seriously and getting my body in the best shape that it can be. During that time I’ve lost about 20lbs and a zillion inches. I try not to track that data too much because it can be stressful and discouraging. I don’t own a scale and only get weighed when I go get my B-12 shots (I’ll save that for another post.) Anyway with spring sliding through last week I thought this was a great time to give my body a restart and do a 3 day juice cleanse.

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Out The Box: The Rise Of Sneaker Culture

This past week I took an adventure to the Oakland Museum which is conveniently located in my hood to check out the exhibit on Sneaker Culture. I was really excited about seeing this because I have had a long standing love affair with sneakers and streetwear.  If you have been following my blog for a while that’s def obvious. Due to this longstanding love I had abnormally high expectations for my trip. However It was low-key disappointing once I started my walk through the exhibit. I would say at best that this exhibit is for the occasional sneaker head who has a 101 knowledge of sneaker culture. Albeit there were some highlights like the Obama Air force 1 and every single Jordan ever made, but other than that it was like walking through a shoe store.

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Don’t Tell Me What to Wear!


Style and Fashion is something that I have always had a connection to. I was having a conversation with a friend on Friday night and the subject of personal style came up and how that resonates with me. I believe for most of my life I have had a strong sense of ownership over my style. As a child I felt like that was the only thing that I actually had control over at the time. Like most kids I had to go to school, do chores, had extra curricular activities that I was forced to do (shout out to Chess Club and Soccer). Everything was planned out for me…naturally.

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This is the “What the F*ck do I want to do?” Post



Photo by Me.

I have come to that point in my life where I look around and ask my self….WTF do I wanna do? What makes me happy? What would make me feel like I have a purpose and fulfilled?
At the moment I don’t have a concrete answer to that question. However I did want to start the dialog. Growth and change is apart of life and I feel like I’m on the cusp of a big one. Like that Christmas morning feeling of excitement because you know there is a bunch of good shit is coming your way. So in an effort to figure out what the “IT” is and get that spark back I am trying to find tools to implement into my life to propel myself forward.
One way I am helping myself get into this groove is  an exercise that I learned while watching a Ted Talk that Shonda Rhimes gave. In it she talks about taking 15 mins for yourself everyday that is uninterrupted. That means no phone, you’re not multitasking etc. Just be with you for 15 mins and then go about your day.As I was listening to her I realized there is not one point in my day where I do that. I am always doing something or many things at one time and not really thinking or checking in with myself. I thought this was a great first step to getting focused and figuring out whats next. Try the 15 min check in for yourself. Let me know what kind of results you get!
  Have thoughts?
Comment below.

Locally Fresh: Champagne X Cupcakes…


Last night I decided to not stay home and get into “Empire” (still not) but instead kick it with my bros for a night of fellowship, Hennessy(champagne, wine), and Fun at Champagne and Cupcakes (yes…they really had cupcakes.) I usually don’t go out too much during the week especially when I have work in the morning. However, I was feeling festive and thought why not? I can sacrifice a little shut eye. The event was held at Parliament in Downtown Oakland, and the vibe was very cool. The music was great too (shout out to DJ Red Corvette and drinks were for the low. It happens once a month so keep your eye out for the announcement of the next one. Check out my pics below.

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Cooking is Stylish: This Thanksgiving…I Had The Answers…

It has been a long time since I have done a food post. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram then you already understand my passion for good and pretty food. This love for food sometimes doesn’t support my love for fashion because I am not sample size (and working out is not my friend…sometimes) but I love to cook and eat. In my world having attractive food is just as important as it tasting good. My mother taught me this and my grandmother taught her so I have been this way forever. No matter what I cook, I plate my food like it is being served in a restaurant. Visuals are not only important in fashion, they are important for everything! Especially food.
Anyway, this year was my second stab at cooking my family’s Thanksgiving dinner. I must say, I am patting myself on the back and so is the rest of my family. IT WAS GOOD! And Pretty! Here are a couple of tips that I have learned about plating and cooking that I would love to share:

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